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Suebiquitous Podcast

Jul 31, 2023

Sometimes God gives us a barrel of obnoxious, tricky and annoying monkeys. He watches what we do with them. This barrel could be a tough marriage, raising a difficult toddler, a stress producing job, terminal sickness, addictions, or physical or mental illnesses. There are a lot of assorted barrels out there, and that's...

Jul 17, 2023

There aren't too many John Stanges around. They just don't exist. Now, John would say, "Well, that's a good thing, LOL!", but most who know him know that this world would be even MORE enhanced and blessed in just about every publishing, virtual-producing, podcasting and platform-creating outreach - if there WERE MORE...

Jul 3, 2023

A jazz singer, entertainer, writer and artist discovers the lordship of Jesus as a result of reading a hotel-placed Gideon Bible and it literally changes her world within an instant. This is just the beginning of an extraordinary life and career when God uses a vessel like Tempe Brown. 

Host, Sue Duffield has known...